*02 October: 6 P.M. – Camden Grange and Community Center committee meeting. All are invited to bring their interests, skills, and suggestions. *08, 22 October: 2-4 P.M. – Camden Grange Rug Making Club *09, 23 October: 6:15 – 7 P.M. – Girl Scout Troop 2354 Daisies (age 5-6 years old) meet for lots of fun! *10 October: 7 P.M. – Elk-Camden Garden Keepers garden club annual Harvest Dinner, and last meeting for 2023. *12 October: 1-3 P.M. – Small Farm Co-operative Group meeting. *17 October: 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. – teen game and pizza night. *18 October: 10 A.M. to noon – quilting club meeting – what a GREAT bunch of quilters! *21 October: 6-10 P.M. – Community Potluck Dinner and Dance. *26 October: 6-8 P.M. - Town Hall meeting 07, 08 October – SOAPMAKING 101. Learn how to use the cold process to safely create your own kitchen-made soap. Learn the science behind the process, then make 6 bars of soap to pick up and take home the following day – homemade soap washes off all that dust and grime! More details on the class from instructor Gayle Kruger at her website: dancingpinesoapworks.com. Cost is $35 per person, and all supplies and equipment are provided for the class. Class runs from 1-3 P.M. on 07 October, and students must be at least 13 years old. Soap pickup day details will be arranged by the students during class. Class size is limited to 12 students, so be sure to register early! 08, 22 October – CAMDEN GRANGE RUG MAKING CLUB Please join with rug making connoisseur Sandy Coehlo for this month’s meetings of the Rug Making Club. Learn how to make your own colorful and inexpensive rugs from fabric scraps, all while you have a great time with crafty, and like-minded neighbors. Meetings run from 2-4 P.M. and are free to the public. 12 October – SMALL FARM CO-OPERATIVE GROUP MEETING Join organizer Sandy Coehlo for the first co-operative meeting of local small farm owners and operators. Meeting runs from 1-3 P.M., and is free to the public. More details on our website and Facebook page. 14 October – CAMDEN GRANGE FARMERS’ AND ARTISAN MARKET Come meet local artisans and food producers to get your homegrown and homemade goods, to include plants, produce, crafts, food items, and more! A free monthly family-oriented activity will be held at each market, sponsored by a local farm family, and be sure to join us for live, acoustic guitar music as well. Market hours are 10 A.M. to 1 P.M., and if you are interested in selling at the market, please contact Rachel at 509-593-7128, or at [email protected] 17 October – TEEN GAME AND PIZZA NIGHT! Camden Grange and Community Center, in partnership with the Pend Oreille County Library District, will offer another evening just for teens, to play board games, socialize with friends, and eat free pizza! We’ll have a variety of games supplied by the Library: old favorites like “UNO” and “Sorry!” to newer games like “Red Dragon Inn” and “Mysterium”. This event is free to everyone, ages 12-18, with parental approval (yes, there is a required permission form, AND parents are encouraged to leave the Grange premises while their teens game and eat). Event runs from 7-9 P.M., and no registration is required. 21 October – CAMDEN GRANGE COMMUNITY POTLUCK DINNER AND DANCE Let’s celebrate our community with an old-fashioned family dance! Everyone is invited to share in a potluck dinner at 6 P.M., so bring a salad, side dish, or dessert of your liking. Dancing starts at 7 P.M. with the local band, Rocking Chair Romeos, playing the tunes. Admission is free, but we will be accepting donations for the band. Kids are welcome with their parents, so bring the whole family and a couple of neighbors, too! 25 October – FIBER ARTS COMMUNITY GATHERING Wool spinning virtuoso Heidi Gnos Kuban will host an evening of wool spinning and conversation, for local spinners, weavers, and sheep raisers. Beginning spinners and accomplished spinners alike are welcome to sit, and spin, and talk about their wooly experiences - and maybe pass along some tips and techniques. Weavers and shepherds are welcomed as well – we are all part of the same community. If you already own a spinning wheel, please bring it along; otherwise treadled wheels will be provided. If you have your own supply of wool, or some fleece to trade, please also bring it along. Event runs from 7–9 P.M., and is free to everyone. 26 October – TOWN HALL MEETING Community Town Hall meeting, featuring our Pend Oreille County officials and service providers: Sheriff Glenn Blakeslee, County Prosecutor Dolly Hunt, Newport City Police Chief Wade Nelson, Family Crisis Center Director Jackie Kiehn, and Assistant Director Sarah Kramer. Our presenters will discuss various topics and share information on what is happening in Pend Oreille County, and especially our community. There will be a question and answer session after all the presenters have concluded. This meeting is meant to involve everyone in our community, so please attend – our officials and service providers want to hear your views and questions on public safety, judicial issues, and victim services. Meeting starts at 6 P.M., and light refreshments will be available.
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